If you're ready to regain your confidence and enjoy the benefits of a complete smile, contact Osborne Dentistry today to schedule your dental implant consultation!
How Are Dental Implants Installed?
Getting dental implants starts with a visit to our office. If this is your first visit with us, our team will need to complete an oral exam and professional cleaning so that we can properly assess your oral health. We will also need to collect a complete set of digital X-rays of your oral cavity so that we can verify your candidacy for dental implants.
To get implants, you will need enough healthy gum tissue and a dense enough jawbone to support them. However, if our professionals find a deficiency, our team can usually solve this problem with a soft tissue or bone graft. A graft is a procedure that involves the placement of additional tissue or bone in the areas where you need it.
Dental Implant Process
Once your mouth is ready for implants, our team will take a mold of your gums. This mold and the other information gathered during your consultation are used to determine the best placement for your implant posts and create your new smile.
After the posts are placed, some patients are eligible to get their crowns in the same visit, while others may need to have a temporary set installed until their mouth heals. This is due to the amount of inflammation that some patients experience, among other factors. When your mouth is healed, you can return so that we can install your final set of teeth onto your posts.
What Is So Great About Dental Implants?
Dental implants are the most popular whole-mouth restoration option for several reasons. One reason for this is because they are the most natural-looking tooth replacements available. The size, shape, and appearance of dental implants are indistinguishable from real teeth.
Implants are also extremely durable, with crowns lasting up to 20 years. The posts will last for the rest of your life. This durability and the fact that the posts are attached directly to your jaw mean that implants allow you to have more bite strength and a more natural chewing motion than other restorations as well.
Schedule an Appointment
Thanks to the accessibility of dental implants, you no longer have to allow tooth loss to hinder your ability to enjoy your life. Schedule your appointment with our team at Osborne Dentistry by contacting our office at 541-451-4300 and start your journey to your new smile.